Ok today im more confuse then ever! frown I dont know its like life is worthless and all i can do is just live it. I hate my neighbors they are so stupid alway trying to blame crap on me Fuck them. Anyways my friend rocio is trying to hook me up with this one girl but i think i ruined my chances i want all...
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I'm so angry at the world right now. I dont know how we can live with soo many people who lie to us over and over, Or the ones that hide themselves changing their personality to make other happy. I say fuck them if they dont like me for who i am im not gonna kiss ass. Day after day im realizing how annoying so...
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NOOOO! Mr. Roger died! R.I.P....Come to think of it he used to scare me when i was little...:|

[Edited on Feb 27, 2003]
Well it sucks to be in my town nothing to do everyone expects so much. Im getting so tierd of this whole scene i need to move out and do something else with my life. But for the mean time there is not much i can do but finish my studies.