Dammit, I don't know what to do. I love where I work more than anything in the world but we are literally as of right now only open on Friday's for the next 2 months outside of 3 shows that are booked right now and probably a small smattering of rentals. Usually this time of year is slightly slow but nothing like this. I really don't know if i should give up and find another job that is full time or looking for another part timer, keep working at the hall and tough it out. i don't want to lose the job and i don't want to give up going to school in order to work full time. i guess if worst comes to worst i can try to get a job with Comcast or something, put the past years worth of schooling to use that way.

Thanks for taking the time to look over my new set in MR. It means a lot to me to hear such nice things. How is your week going? Hope you have a great weekend hun! Talk soon!