Guess i should update. My grrl Debi went home yesterday after spending a lovely weekend with me. Had some fun with the grandparents and family. Remembered why I love her as much as I do, heard her go on and on about how corporations are evil, about her own monkeywrenching, about reclaiming nature. And yet as always I jokingly call her an anarchist and she refuses the title. Perhaps that's the true form however, being something in such a way that you don't even consciously do anything, and yet you are a perfect example.
I cut off all of my hair. I don't know if i've ever mentioned this, but I'm part of the "radical sobriety" movement apparently. I dont believe in drinking for many reasons, but my brother and father's alcaholism is most of it. So after a particularily wonderful day which included a charming dinner and a lovely night outside by the fire, it all turned to shit. My friend Katie has gone to Russia for two weeks to fence for UNCC. She came by to say goodbye, and my brother just hung on her like the greasy sleaze he is when he is drunk. In my anger and annoyance, I made a harsh comment to Debi which made her cry, and my father was angry at everyone. So about 5 am i got my trust scissors out and cut off my mohawk, because I needed to feel in control of Something for once.
I feel much much better now tho, and my hair grows stupidly fast. So things are fine now, as much as they usually are. Anyway, I'm off to watch winamp TV. Bye for now kiddos
I cut off all of my hair. I don't know if i've ever mentioned this, but I'm part of the "radical sobriety" movement apparently. I dont believe in drinking for many reasons, but my brother and father's alcaholism is most of it. So after a particularily wonderful day which included a charming dinner and a lovely night outside by the fire, it all turned to shit. My friend Katie has gone to Russia for two weeks to fence for UNCC. She came by to say goodbye, and my brother just hung on her like the greasy sleaze he is when he is drunk. In my anger and annoyance, I made a harsh comment to Debi which made her cry, and my father was angry at everyone. So about 5 am i got my trust scissors out and cut off my mohawk, because I needed to feel in control of Something for once.
I feel much much better now tho, and my hair grows stupidly fast. So things are fine now, as much as they usually are. Anyway, I'm off to watch winamp TV. Bye for now kiddos
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