Time for a rant! Warning, it's long and probably uninteresting.
I've always felt kind of bad for my roommate Alex. There's nothing really that wrong with him. Although he is a nerd. That's not just a label, he plays dungeons and dragons every friday night, plays halo 2 at least 6 hours a day, always talks about star wars and plays a turn based card game based upon Feudal Japan.
That's ok though. He's doing well, has a girlfriend and gets what he needs to done. I feel bad for him though because he is oversexed in a just weird and creepy way. His screensaver and background are always naked porn stars. You know, the big breasted airbrushed scary robot looking ones. Tall as hell, vacant eyes and surgery everywhere.
He has this strange idea of beauty which disgusts me on a regular basis. He hates fat people and is grossed out by them as well as any girl who doesn't have large breasts and a "tight ass". Every day he download's more porn to his computer and every night while I read he watches the HBO porn. That in itself is beyond sad. But it's the expression he has, "I wonder if there's any PORN on" which gets me. I often wonder why it is so important to him. It's not like he doesn't have ample time alone with his girlfriend. She's in the room almost daily and whenever i leave for FNB they have all the sex time they need.
Maybe i'm just irritated because he and his girlfriend have a fucked up beauty standard. Grossed out at the slightest, though i must say they're not exactly roses themselves. This as well as the fact that i get to see my girlfriend about a weekend a month or less than that. There's alot about him and her that annoy me, and she has a long list of faults. She too is oversexed. I'm all well for sexual liberation because it's a very good thing. She however just throws it in your face, and it tends to get rather annoying. I'll stop before it becomes a tome.
Everyone, have a lovely weekend. My next post will be much more inspirational and mellow. I'll listen to the new Daft Punk CD, which i reccomend highly.
I've always felt kind of bad for my roommate Alex. There's nothing really that wrong with him. Although he is a nerd. That's not just a label, he plays dungeons and dragons every friday night, plays halo 2 at least 6 hours a day, always talks about star wars and plays a turn based card game based upon Feudal Japan.
That's ok though. He's doing well, has a girlfriend and gets what he needs to done. I feel bad for him though because he is oversexed in a just weird and creepy way. His screensaver and background are always naked porn stars. You know, the big breasted airbrushed scary robot looking ones. Tall as hell, vacant eyes and surgery everywhere.
He has this strange idea of beauty which disgusts me on a regular basis. He hates fat people and is grossed out by them as well as any girl who doesn't have large breasts and a "tight ass". Every day he download's more porn to his computer and every night while I read he watches the HBO porn. That in itself is beyond sad. But it's the expression he has, "I wonder if there's any PORN on" which gets me. I often wonder why it is so important to him. It's not like he doesn't have ample time alone with his girlfriend. She's in the room almost daily and whenever i leave for FNB they have all the sex time they need.
Maybe i'm just irritated because he and his girlfriend have a fucked up beauty standard. Grossed out at the slightest, though i must say they're not exactly roses themselves. This as well as the fact that i get to see my girlfriend about a weekend a month or less than that. There's alot about him and her that annoy me, and she has a long list of faults. She too is oversexed. I'm all well for sexual liberation because it's a very good thing. She however just throws it in your face, and it tends to get rather annoying. I'll stop before it becomes a tome.
Everyone, have a lovely weekend. My next post will be much more inspirational and mellow. I'll listen to the new Daft Punk CD, which i reccomend highly.

don't feel bad about that.
this society deems what is acceptable on every level, and sex is not excluded from this. by making it un-real they keep you consuming. that's the goal of capitalism. There is always something BIGGER, BETTER around the corner.
The porn industry is as much a part of that as everything else. Even this site in a lot of ways falls into the trap (if you need examples compare the pictures of the girls in their sets, to the one's in their folders where they aren't all "made up").
It's the illusion of "something better" that keeps people going when their day to day lives are often times very bland. People today are hollow, and their looking for something, they fill the gap with whatever they can find, whether it be porn, marijuana, bingo, TV, video games, SG, whatever. Some things are more harmful then others but it all acomplishes the same thing. It pasifies us....
Your roomate is gross, when it comes to that part of his reality, there is no doubting that, but he is just a reflection of the larger society.
Can you blame someone for never being "taught" what beauty is, but rather "shown" what beauty "looks like"?
It's sad I know, but it's our reality. We are a society that is stuck in the rut of always looking for a bigger better orgasim.
enjoy your time at FNB, for that is what they all crave... Community