Debi: what you think i did a knuckle shuffle over you?
Me: i never said that
Debi: then what?
Me: but the mind wanders
Me: and yes, you probably did
Debi: honestly...
Debi: yes
Me: Oh.
Me: That makes me --Kickass 5000!!--
That was part of a conversation I had tonight with my grrl Debi. We've been together since last summer whenever her birthday is. I know, i'm an awesome boyfriend what with my having no idea about her bday, or when we actually started "going out" or anything else. Anyway it's always a self esteem boost when you find out that months before you start going out with someone, they had a huge crush on you and even masturbated to fantasies of you? Or is that creepy. Probably both, but eh. She's a good grrl and I love her. Although I will admit she is crazy. Not in a bad way, but in a most likely manic-depressive way. Which probably won't be good if we have kids, since I know i have manic-depression and tourette's syndrome to boot!
Anyway I'm tired and i've only been to once class so far this week. Although 5 classes have been held. Whee!
Me: i never said that
Debi: then what?

Me: but the mind wanders
Me: and yes, you probably did
Debi: honestly...
Debi: yes
Me: Oh.
Me: That makes me --Kickass 5000!!--
That was part of a conversation I had tonight with my grrl Debi. We've been together since last summer whenever her birthday is. I know, i'm an awesome boyfriend what with my having no idea about her bday, or when we actually started "going out" or anything else. Anyway it's always a self esteem boost when you find out that months before you start going out with someone, they had a huge crush on you and even masturbated to fantasies of you? Or is that creepy. Probably both, but eh. She's a good grrl and I love her. Although I will admit she is crazy. Not in a bad way, but in a most likely manic-depressive way. Which probably won't be good if we have kids, since I know i have manic-depression and tourette's syndrome to boot!
Anyway I'm tired and i've only been to once class so far this week. Although 5 classes have been held. Whee!
Please excuse my naivete, but what's a "knuckle shuffle"? I LOVE finding out that someone I'm with fantasized about me before we started dating. I think it's adorable/hot.
I think that sweet that she masturbated to fantasies of you! And esp that she told you about it. That's gotta be an ego boost.