Hi friends! It's been a while since I wrote a blog post and updated you all on what's coming next!
I have my second solo set "Miracle Aligner" dropping days before Halloween! 😱 I shot this soft goth set back in June and was pleasantly surprised to learn it'll be going live during the spookiest week of the year. So come kick off Halloween with me on Oct 23 ❤ I will announce the time of the drop as soon as I know!
"Plant Sugar" is a little over three months out in the queue, and this set will be a bright and adorable contrast to what you've seen from me so far. I also have another set in the works and this one might be my best yet... I can't wait to show you previews. I love to push myself to make each set better and better. Showing you my growth as a model with these two sets in early 2021 is going to be incredible ❤
In the meantime, let's connect! instagram/twitter
Be the first to see set sneak peeks and call dibs on my worn panties on my onlyfans for $9/month ❤