Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a good summer so far. I'm still visiting Washington state and planning to come home by the end of the month. I've had a very pleasant and relaxed visit, and I've been able to do so much self-reflecting and planning my long-term and short-term goals. I'm currently booking up August with as many shoots and collaborations as possible so I can provide more content for you! ♡ I feel incredibly recharged from taking a few weeks away to myself, and my creativity is absolutely buzzing lately. I'm more in tune with myself than I think I've ever been. I turned 24 years old yesterday and so far, I'm feeling 24 a lot more than I thought I would be. 22 and 23 were all about learning extremely important life lessons, self-discovery, and learning to cope with unexpected tragedies. Now, I want to take everything I've learned and use it to make 24 an amazing year!
As always, I want to thank all of you for the support and kindness you show me on this site. I'm so blown away by the love I receive in this community, it all means more to me than I could ever express. Your encouragement keeps me going! ♡