Awaiting Jack

in my other me,
for another time,
when I will be complete.

When will I be complete?

Name him,
this other me,
we'll call him,

Poor Jack.
Your running out of time,

If you wait too long,
youll miss it.
What it is to be,
The Shake Down or The Mexico Fiasco

I had been back from that last tour for a couple of months; domestication was beginning to set in. A type of spiritual rust has started to form at the ends of my soul. Not feeling very spontaneous. Not feeling very myself. I decided, being a resident of Texas for as long as I had, it was far...
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... !!!

thanks for the friend request kiss
how are you?
For a hand full of good times,
Ive sold my soul.
Gave away the best parts of myself.
Traded the good and honest.
For that which I'd mistakenly regard,
as the essence of life.
Our nature,
unclean and wretched,
spiteful and depraved.
A madman I am,
devoid of all that is good and honest.
A criminal,
I've become.
The road is my only friend....
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Save me from the mechanical,
that well oiled machine of the world,
of society.
The propaganda that we have been breast fed since birth,
now forms the foundations of our subconscious.
Who is our savior from this life of the machine?
It is our desire our irrational passion,
unhindered and unconstrained by societies restrictions.
Fuck the propaganda.
Fuck rationality.
Let us be writers and painters....
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Screaming Sacrifices

Those loud bastards.
I've words I must share,
to those screaming bastards.
Lifes difficult when you speak only lies,
but only pen the truth.
Especially when they know it.
Screaming bastards that demand action,
and sneer at empty words,
meaningless syllables.
Gods assuming a sacrifice,
one of flesh,
young and supple,
unsullied by the hate of the world.
Soon enough,
we will sully...
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your pretty much a failure at life. Consider suicide.

By now many of you have noticed the many irrefutable similarities between the main character in my new book, Jack Miller and myself. It is true. I am Jack. This changes nothing. For the sake of continuity the alias and tense will remain the same in the next installment of Jack's Path. I've written this in...
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Catch Up

Sept 14

Finnally recieved a copy of my own book!!! Dunno how you guys beat me to

it!? Awaiting reviews

I signed my first copy of my book. It read "You actually bought this?!?

Good job dumbass! Allen R. Henson.

Sept 21

1st one hundred copies of "You Do Know Jack " sold today

Sept 26

was at Agora, actually getting some writing...
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Congrats! that's was awesome
It's a shame there are no editors or spell check for blog entries here. Geesh! *hangs head* kiss


So while at the Barnes and Noble in Amarillo today I noticed a copy of
your book in the hands of some 16 year old girl. I was going to pick
up a copy of your book until I realized that she had the only copy in
the store and possibly the entire panhandle. After fruitless bartering
with the demon slut, she walked to...
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That is great!!!
They need more copies tho!
And thank you sooo much for the comment on my blog pics. So sweet!

To a 2-7 CAV SSG, a SGT, and an SFC

First and foremost it would be best, in my opinion to begin this exercise of absurdity buy stating the obvious in the simplest terms possible so that my benefactors can for lack of a better word understand this literary endeavor. God forbid I speak out of anything not Army Regulation, Department of the Army, Division,...
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Smaller words.... and use crayon. wink

Hello!!! I'm glad to meet you smile kiss
Clarks on Main

As I was walking down Main Street, late of course, last Saturday night, my dive radar was all of a sudden on full alert. Just to my left was a large silver store front reminiscent of a 50s era department store promising, in big bold letters, to be The Home of Easy Credit. Encouraging, considering Americas credit woes as of late. This...
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