PoGO Bonus Week 1 is over! After over 100 eggs and 32 km of walking, I was able to hatch two Unowns, the U and A varieties.
I tried very hard to get a third one on Sunday. I must've hatched like 15-20 extra 10km eggs (I was very lucky on the Pokéstop spins) but it just wasn't meant to be. I am still very happy with the two.
Did you hatch any Unown?
That drawing is still in the works! Linework is long done and coloring of the sky, buildings, trees, and Pokémon is done. I still have shading and various vegetation to color in. The iPad I'm working with is shared, so I haven't had a lot of time with it. It's going to look amazing when I'm done, I'm really trying to capture the feel of autumn here as the leaves have been yellowing for some time and are falling and blowing around everywhere.
Good luck on PoGO Bonus week 2, gotta hatch those regionals! I'm sending gifts whenever I can and I hatched a Farfetch'd (Japan only?) today!