Greetings, world of SG!
I can now say with sincerity that I am now an artist, as I have started my first business page. It is hosted by a site kind of like Patreon. Unfortunately, I cannot link it here due to their Terms of Service prohibiting links to AND FROM sites containing nudity and adult content. They say their hands are tied by PayPal's and Stripe's standards of decency. Boo! Fuck the system! #FreeTheNipple!
But, depending on how things go, I may also set up a Patreon. I hear they have more lax rules as far as linkage goes. I see many here also use Patreon and its nice to see it working for so many. Seeing so many others here, models and members alike, producing art, photography, and all sorts of content to help make a living really inspires me. I see it as an awesome rebellion against the traditional 9-to-5 drain your life away to make somebody else rich system. More power to the creators!
This is the first time in my life that I've decided to go more public with my work and start a small monetization of some of my content. It's kind of scary, but remember that we don't advance in life without stepping outside of our comfort zones to do the things we love!
So, I have no idea how this is going to go. I live at home and have very little to lose, but much to gain. At best, this could be the culmination of my battle against autism spectrum disorder and depression; to live as a different person and be proud of it; to fit into society as a round peg forced to square holes (psst... they don't tell you that you can't just walk around the wall instead of going through the hole ;)
Of course I will keep posting my drawings and photos here, but I also hope to bear some news from time to time on how my online following is growing. As much as I want to take care of myself, I want to inspire others who seem stuck in life that they too can find a way to make it.
In the meantime though, let's keep fighting the man, the system that shackles us and subjugates us to unhappiness to lavish a privileged few. Never let others dictate your life. You deserve you!
Keep on going!