Now that i don't care about whether you tie yourselves up, like a pretzel, or ask somebody to slap you, until your heads roll off, there is another thing, i need to mention. It's not that i don't care, it's that my caring, makes it worse! There are people here, i love. I met my bestie, @HARVEST, here. There are people, i blog about, post, in threads, about, Tweet about, & i plan to continue. But, when Hopefuls blog about how unfair the SG process is, you need to realize, as a member, i have no more say than you do, & fingering the higher ups, for their unfairness, is NOT the way, you want to get noticed.
If i ran SG, every set that reached 2250 likes, would be bought. But, when i plunked down my $48, Sean & Missy didn't ask for my advice, on how to run their business!!!!! (their loss) i signed on, to look at picturea, read blogs, & join in the hijinx of groups. The people I've met here, have given me, so much more!!!!! But, i can't turn you pink, & i won't quit, because you're not pink.