I believe in everybody's right to, at least try to preserve as much of your privacy as you can, on the internet. Having said that, I have discovered an interesting phenomenon, of late. There are Hopefuls, with sets in MR, who, when I go to follow them, because I like their set, I find a little green padlock, barring my way. They want to approve all followers. I know some members who do that. I have requested to follow them. But, I find Hopefuls who do it, very odd ducks, indeed.
Again, I completely respect your right to do this. There may be any number of good reasons for it. Perhaps, you are being stalked by some one. Perhaps, your family or S.O. don't yet know what you're doing. But, I would suggest that, once you are an official hopeful with a photo set in MR, not only is the cat out of the bag, he's pissed on the bag, & dragged it off to the woods! And you are asking me to cooperate in putting you in an even more visible position, with even more demands attached. What if you go pink, & SG asks you to represent them, at your home town tattoo convention? What if they want to put you in an SG movie on Showtime? You want me to be complicit in taking away what little privacy you have left, & yet, you make it clear, you really don't want to know me.
The internet is full of creeps. I have no doubt that some SG members are creeps. But a Hopeful who doesn't want me to follow her is assuming I am a creep, until I prove otherwise. Short of a background check, or a polygraph exam, I don't know what I could possibly do to show, I am worthy to follow you. By the time you get this high up, you ought to know there are creeps, & how to handle them. You can always block a member who bothers you. But, instead you, essentially block all members whom you don't know. You are telling me, "I am building a wall, to keep people like you out, but I want you to vote for me anyway." Who does that? (Oh, him)
Today, I have started telling padlocked Hopefuls, "Too bad, you don't welcome followers. If I can't follow you, I can't vote for you." Ironically, one of the models I sent this message to, actually "liked" my telling her, I can't vote for her. Who pays so little attention to what others say? (Oh, him)