Just one Picture from Ko Olina but I will have more this weekend.
I miss arkansas so much! This is where that saying "You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl" comes in to play. I haven't had a culture shock yet but I think I may be close. Things here are beautiful and dreamy but not everything is beautiful. Not having my family is not dreamy! With time I will get over it.
Good news though.....
My mom and her boyfriend are coming on Feb 16th! My mom has only left arkansas a few times and that was to go to Florida and some surrounding states. She has never been on a plane and now she has 4 trips to Hawaii planned so that is great news! YEAH! My mom and I DO NOT get along when I live with her and love each other to death when we are states apart! HAHAHAHAH
Ok love you all! KISSES!


Happy Birthday!!!

Oh shit. That gives me memories when I would go to Ko'Olina and swim around. Dang, I miss Hawaii a lot.