its been a hell of a month thats for sure.last monday (march 30) my dear old friend Nathen Fosterdecided this world was no longer for him and exited.the funeral was sunday and it was the most amazeing mermorial you could imagine. it was about 20 minutes of service then about 10 hours of insane party, it was the kind Nate would have thrown himself on his family farm. the only diference between it and if Nate was still alive is no one got hurt and the cops didnt show up (his parrents got a permit for the fires this time) my hat is off to his parrents for turning it into the grandest of send offs they aparently talked with many of us and decided the best way to create what he would have wanted or done himself there where many tears many laughs and lots of friends remembering and singing and blowing things up. my eyebrow is still singed from the roman candle fight.
well till we meet again Mr Foster you have been and always will be my friend. R.I.P
well till we meet again Mr Foster you have been and always will be my friend. R.I.P
Glad you got a smile from the dumb video
Long days too suck! How are you?