didnt get what I would normaly consider a whole lot done at practice today but we compleatly rewrote a song I worte a while back (probably one of the first I put out whene we started this thing) called "Dont make me" it now sounds compleatly different in so many ways. instead of sounding like a direct theft of the chords for "Baby, lets play house" it has become a song unto its own and compleatly different from anything we have so far..after practice was over I took this atitude one step farther and started writeing something new and also very diferent still holding true to the 1950s style but it is a great tale of love lost and murder. I cant wait to sit down with Josh and start putting out the guitar for it. so yeah I love being creative whene it just flows out of you so fast your pen can't keep up
Jace Killjoy
Jace Killjoy

Ahhhh! Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my set! <3