I've severed all ties with my ex. We spent time together at PAX (and hooked up a lot), and it was great, but things just disintegrated so quickly afterwards it was almost funny. Old patterns started emerging even at PAX, and definitely afterwards, and I knew that I needed to distance myself again. Two weeks after PAX she started seeing someone else; someone close to me, who I had specifically asked if she had any interest in, and then (when she said no), asked her not to mess around with because it would be emotionally difficult for me. He's a good friend, we're close, etc. I don't feel like I was wrong in asking that, AND she agreed to it without raising any objections.
And then come to find out, they're "dating."
So yeah. I told her exactly how I felt about that, and her, and our relationship, and then severed all ties. No Facebook, no phone, no Twitter, etc. E-mailed her to get her mom to send me some stuff of mine (dress shoes, sweaters, etc. I left at her house), and that's it. I'm done.
To think: two weeks ago she was throwing out stuff like, "I think we're going to be together forever. I think I'm going to marry you." I guess I should view THAT as a big red flag in and of itself.
Onto happier pastures...
Good first date with someone new yesterday. I had been on Ok Cupid since we "broke up" 2-3 months ago, and this was the first date to come out of that. It was good! She's nerdy, but not my particular flavor of nerdy. We talked Lord of the Rings for a good hour. We live in the same neighborhood so we took the same bus homeward, and she got off first. Before I even got to the next stop I got the, "That was fun; we should do it again" text. Note the semi-colon. I think I like her.
A second date with a different girl on Monday. Looking forward to that. We're meeting at my favorite coffee place.
AND, there's something really exciting happening on the 25th. Kinky stuff, so it's in the spoiler:
On top of all that, my best friend is coming to visit on the 20th. We've been friends since high school. He's the person who got me into philosophy, and pinball, and Man or Astro-Man?, and metal, and really quite a bit of what makes me the person I am today. He's one of the best people I've ever met. He's forthright, handsome, hard working, intelligent, and amazing. He's coming to visit, and I couldn't be happier. We're going to go to the SF Museum of Modern Art, get iPhone 5s together, go to a fucking pinball convention (how awesome is that?), and play a lot of Halo. It's going to be bromance to the MAX.
So yeah. September is a mixed month, but definitely a net positive. I'm looking forward to the rest of it, and what comes after.