Hrm. So, been on a few dates with girl #2. Things have been going mostly well. Monday we hung out and ended up making out in her car until 4:00am. That was quite something.
Friday I went over and spent the night, and it was awkward. Very awkward. We ended up fooling around with clothes off and taking a shower together, and it was just not... natural. Very weird. Not really sure what the deal was.
Today she came over and we got lunch and talked about it a little. She's not sure what the deal was with Friday/Saturday, but things were definitely off. She's not sure where she's at, whether she wants to keep dating, etc. I told her I was interested, we're going to see what happens, I guess.
Kind of took a weird turn, there. I'm not really sure what happened. Women are crazy.
Friday I went over and spent the night, and it was awkward. Very awkward. We ended up fooling around with clothes off and taking a shower together, and it was just not... natural. Very weird. Not really sure what the deal was.
Today she came over and we got lunch and talked about it a little. She's not sure what the deal was with Friday/Saturday, but things were definitely off. She's not sure where she's at, whether she wants to keep dating, etc. I told her I was interested, we're going to see what happens, I guess.
Kind of took a weird turn, there. I'm not really sure what happened. Women are crazy.
we really are crazy.
Women yeah .....I know how it goes.
You must love living in San Francisco . Lots of kinky folk there.