Got an iPhone 3GS on Friday. I've never had a phone that I liked before. Every phone up to this one, I've hated to varying degrees. But this phone is amazing. It shouldn't even be called a phone. It isn't. Here are the things I'm currently doing with my iPhone:
- Controlling my iTunes on my laptop, which is playing wirelessly through my home theater via an airport express base station. I can walk into my house and turn on music, through my home theater, with my phone. If I'm particularly crafty I can turn it on before I even get in the front door, which has already impressed a girl I'm putting the moves on. Thank you, iPhone.
- Compulsively checking to see if anyone else has registered for this fancy dinner I'm hosting at PAX this year. The fact that I get the whole, actual, uncompromised Internet on this device amazes me.
- Checking my eBay auction of my old phone.
- Playing some surprisingly good games that I would be content to play on a computer, let alone a phone.
- Checking my e-mail at the grocery store.
- Updating my facebook status.
Etc. It's amazing. It's a whole new world. And I'm not one of those people who is tethered to their phone, texting and shit every 5 seconds. I'm not. And even I can appreciate the new possibilities that this kind of device opens up for me.
Thank you, Apple. You've stunned me again.