This is a gonna be a fun filled weekend. Saturday night is the company Christmas Party(Yay!) Then, I have to work Sunday(Boo!). But after work, I have to pick up the 1/4 barrel(Lager, of course!)(Yay!). Then Christmas Eve its next door, to my cousin's for draft Lager and boilo!(YAYYYYY!!!!!!!). I hope to post many pics now that I have a great camera to take them with.
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 14, 2007
As I turn(gulp!) 36, I feel it is my obligation to pass on the knowle… -
Friday Aug 10, 2007
Howdy, all! The foot's doin' good, I'm just about ready to retire th… -
Sunday Aug 05, 2007
After several days off, Wednesday and Thursday I went in for half a d… -
Friday Jul 27, 2007
For the past few days, I've been laid up with a terrible gout attack.… -
Saturday Jul 14, 2007
Last Saturday, I went to Nutley, NJ to pick up my armoire. It was in… -
Wednesday Jul 04, 2007
Read More -
Sunday Jul 01, 2007
I won 3 C notes on the powerball Saturday night. WooHoo for me! 2 m… -
Monday Jun 25, 2007
OK, I know yuz are all just dyin' to know the answers to my quote que… -
Thursday Jun 07, 2007
"I've come to create a new country called chaos, and a new government… -
Thursday May 31, 2007
Work sucks! I know, I know. That is a given. But sometimes it need…
dude yore legally obligated to take pictures now