This is a gonna be a fun filled weekend. Saturday night is the company Christmas Party(Yay!) Then, I have to work Sunday(Boo!). But after work, I have to pick up the 1/4 barrel(Lager, of course!)(Yay!). Then Christmas Eve its next door, to my cousin's for draft Lager and boilo!(YAYYYYY!!!!!!!). I hope to post many pics now that I have a great camera to take them with.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 20, 2008
Well, I did it! I joined a gym today! I've got a schedule all worke… -
Saturday Jun 14, 2008
I was at Karma's shindig last night and it was a blast! Met a lot of… -
Sunday May 25, 2008
I had Samson to the Vet on Saturday. Three shots, two boxes of heart… -
Monday May 19, 2008
Here's a peak into why there may be so many fuckheads and idiots in t… -
Wednesday May 14, 2008
So I'm on my way to work the other day, listening to the radio, when … -
Friday May 02, 2008
I've been meaning to pass this on for awhile. Some of my friends out… -
Tuesday Apr 01, 2008
So this is what's new with me: Weight Watchers is going really well.… -
Wednesday Mar 19, 2008
I've discovered that I can do video with my camera(I'm a little slow … -
Sunday Mar 02, 2008
Sorry it took so long, but I finally got a pic of the new ride on My … -
Monday Feb 18, 2008
Sadly, I had to leave Lola go. I couldn't risk bein' vehicle-less ag…
dude yore legally obligated to take pictures now