After 2 weeks of feeling the sickest I've ever felt in my life, I'm finally feeling like my immune system has taken control. I can breathe without breaking into a muscle straining convulsive cough attack. My sinuses no longer feel like they're going to explode, taking my face off. And I think I've finally gotten all of the snot out of mustache. For me to not even turn the computer on for a week is a testament to how out of it I was.
But now that my white cells are kickin' ass, I can look forward to the start of Derby season and know that I won't miss it. Two weeks and countin'...
But now that my white cells are kickin' ass, I can look forward to the start of Derby season and know that I won't miss it. Two weeks and countin'...
i didnt know you were sick man, i would of sent over some of my special potion o up your t cell count,
it involves whiskey, pills, and a swift kick in the ass