The place I went to last night is called "S. Kickers Saloon". What an awesome place! It has a Coyote Ugly feel about the place, in that all the waitresses are hott and they dance and have choreographed moves to certain songs and such. Did I mention that all the waitresses are hott?! Everyone is real friendly, too. When I go to a new place I always have an anxiety about if the people are gonna be dicks. Adam just started playin' with this band(called Blacksmyth). They're not bad. Here they are last night:
I was havin' a good ole time, drinkin' ice cold Lager on tap(yum-o, extra points), watchin' everyone dance(Did I mention that the waitresses get up and dance, and are H-O-T-T?!). I was bein' careful with the brew cuz I had a 40 minute drive home and a DUI is not something I want. Anyway, about midnight who shows up? Blake Shelton and his crew. (For those of you who don't know who Blake Shelton is, go here..) He performed earlier in the night at the Sovereign Center. They did some drinkin' and then they got up and did 5 or 6 tunes(The throng of people made it impossible to get a pic.) and then they left. I waited for Adam to get packed up and we went to the Sheetz in Leesport to get some grub, and we ended up sittin' in the parkin' lot shootin' the shit til after 4. It was a good night. I need more nights like that.

I was havin' a good ole time, drinkin' ice cold Lager on tap(yum-o, extra points), watchin' everyone dance(Did I mention that the waitresses get up and dance, and are H-O-T-T?!). I was bein' careful with the brew cuz I had a 40 minute drive home and a DUI is not something I want. Anyway, about midnight who shows up? Blake Shelton and his crew. (For those of you who don't know who Blake Shelton is, go here..) He performed earlier in the night at the Sovereign Center. They did some drinkin' and then they got up and did 5 or 6 tunes(The throng of people made it impossible to get a pic.) and then they left. I waited for Adam to get packed up and we went to the Sheetz in Leesport to get some grub, and we ended up sittin' in the parkin' lot shootin' the shit til after 4. It was a good night. I need more nights like that.
Icy cold Lager on TAP? One of the small pleasures in life.
I love those kind of nights, where you lose track of time talking about everything and nothing.