I know its been a long time since I posted(excluding a rant that was just a bad, bad day). I have had some serious health issues that are not getting better. I haven't been to work in over a month. Therefore, I'm gonna hafta drop SG for awhile. Its strictly a fiscal decision, as the corporate big wigs would say. When, or if, I get... Read More
I know its been a long time since I posted, but I am on the site almost every day and do comment on others posts. But apparently, I did something to offend someone. What it was, I don't know. But comments have gone unanswered, as have texts. I guess I should be pissed, sitting here with a forearm of incomplete work, looking at Christmas presents... Read More
im sorry my man, i havent been active on here in a bit, im putting a bit more effort into the blogspot blog.
, the days have been... eh strange to say the least
and ive been a bit neglectful of friends.
its not an excuse, more of an explanation
wow. I'm really sorry things went down like this but I can't say I don't understand you're feelings cause trust me... you and I? Yeah, we got the shit dick. PM me your number. I'd like to stay in touch, and he was always the go between. You don't need to be on SG if you don't want to be, there are plenty of other ways to stay in touch.
I was walking through the kitchen Tuesday night when I got a sharp, stabbing pain in the back of my knee. I went to bed and when I got up to go to work yesterday, I could hardly walk. A trip to the ER, some X-rays and a nice Indian doctor confirmed that I pulled my hamstring tendon. A cane and some happy pills are... Read More
I'm on vacation this week. Not much planned, except for one day this week dubbed "boilo day", the day me and my cousin make boilo for the upcoming festive season.
I had to open a new checking account last week cuz my check card, according to the bank, may have been compromised. Apparently these douche bags just start putting in charges to random numbers for... Read More
Its been a little over 2 weeks as Asst. Manager and WOW! its been hectic. The powers that be started interviews this week to find a couple of new counter people. Hopefully it will relieve some strain when we get some more bodies in the store.
Saturday I'm taking one of the County Animal Response Team trailers to a pet fair one of the local... Read More
OK, I know! Its been awhile. Not much goin' on. That is until 2 weeks ago. After finally having enough of one of the owners at the Auto Parts Emporium, I decided to spread my wings. I sent an email to one of the other owners, telling them that I was seeking other employment and they new the reason why. I filled out some apps... Read More
I figured that's why you were asking. I've got it out in the car, but I must warn you - there was a little bit of experimentation too.
I don't think I put in as much sugar as they asked for and I don't think I used as much dill as they recommended, although in retrospect more dill probably wouldn't have been a bad thing.
My aunt(Mom's sister) passed away Wednesday night. Fortunately I was able to get Mom and her brother down to Mechanicsburg(outside Harrisburg) Wednesday afternoon to see her. At least she got to spend time with her one last time.
I'm glad you're back.
Happy Birthday to me!