I watched "Seven" last night on t.v. again. I have always been fascinated by that movie. I know that Gwyneth's character is integral to the plot, but she grates on me. As for the ending, I don't know if I could utilize the "suspension of disbelief" enough to say that Pitt's Det. Mills would have shot him. To pat, in my opinion. But why am I so intrigued by this film? I think it is because of the the literateness, though I am not sure if that is an actual word. What I mean is that it cites some classics of Wester Literature, Dante, Milton, Chaucer, et al. The combination of that and the sort of "Christian Mythology" or rather the nature of Divinity and man's respondence to it, just very gripping. The great dialogue of good vs. evil and the effect it has has on the belle lettres of mankind throughout recorded history. What masterful work it has produced and this film, for the most part, makes use of this rather well. I always liked that intergration of history, myth, literature, religion. If done well, it really works. That is why my favorite comics have been titles like "Hellblazer" (Ennis & Dillon stuff only), "Sandman" and lately "Hellboy." Highly literate and masterful use of the above mentioned categories. I think what pulls me in most is the fact that in today's life, there is a lack of appreciation of the great knowledge of the past. We live in the short attention span present; nothing holds us for long. We just don't seem to be as learned. We may be able to remember this stuff, but do we understand it? That thirst for knowledge and understanding are touchstones for me. I should be careful, I am beginning to sound like Goethe's "Faust!"
Did you note that when Gwynneth opens her appartment door to Kevin Spacey, the door's number is '5a', postitioning her as the additional victim between the five we've met previously, and Spacey and Pitt who are the 6th and 7th to come...Hmm, guess that's probably dead obvious to you film buff guys!
Did you note that when Gwynneth opens her appartment door to Kevin Spacey, the door's number is '5a', postitioning her as the additional victim between the five we've met previously, and Spacey and Pitt who are the 6th and 7th to come...Hmm, guess that's probably dead obvious to you film buff guys!