This is the coolest site. Man, where were you when I was I in my early twenties? The girls defy description. I don't know why I signed up for this, I guess it is just cool and I wanted to see for myself. I think part of the reason is that since I got out of the Navy and left university the third time (I'll get it right this time) I haven't really found all that many people to "connect" with. I mean, I'll be the first to admit that I am an opinionated, obstinate bugger sometimes, but I also want to know off if I am really alone, so to speak. I don't know, I think at this point I'm just feeling sorry for myself. On my own I'm terrified but if I have even one person with me in a social situation, I'm okay. Well, that's enough, I don't know if this qualifies as a journal entry.
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 14, 2004
This is my final post. It has been fun, but I don't have the time no… -
Wednesday Oct 20, 2004
I guess I haven't updated in some time so, here goes. College life i… -
Friday Aug 06, 2004
Hmmm...I seem to be losing "Fav. SGs." -
Sunday Jul 04, 2004
Blah blah fucking blah. -
Sunday May 30, 2004
Nothing to say. No job, no money, no future? Here's some song lyr… -
Sunday May 16, 2004
"Children by the millions scream for Alex come running."… -
Tuesday May 11, 2004
Finals are over. I have to beg and plead w/a professor to try to get… -
Friday May 07, 2004
One final down, one to go. Today's was easy-peasy. Monday's should … -
Wednesday May 05, 2004
Not much too add. Well, that's not true, someone stole my cellphone … -
Saturday Apr 17, 2004
Now for part II of my treatise. In this section I will discuss what …