Wow, I was surfing the site and found a totally beautiful girl! She looks a lot like my best friend, except this girl lives in Canada... but, I was like, whoa! and I made a comment in her journal and she responded... the first SG to respond in my journal! wow... so I had to boot one of my fav. SG's to make place for... Read More
You're going to max out your CC dude!!! you remind me of a Hobbit! they love giving gifts as much as getting them! But hey if it makes you happy what the hell!!!
Yah... today turned from being a bad day to being a good day! It took me a few minutes... a lot of minutes... but I gathered up the courage to talk to Lucky on AIM...
But I am glad I did that because she totally seems like totally nice. And totally intelligent! like, by the way she spoke, I could totally tell she is smart!... Read More
Angry and tired...
Life can really suck ass some days. Today is one of those days for me. Just personal problems with a lady friend... and with my step dad... what can I say...
one of the very few good things that happened to me today is my favorite SG girl, Andrea accepted my friend request, which is totally awesome. And I almost got in... Read More
Last day I have to stay up so late to do my internet stuff! I am totally getting a major reduce in hours at work... I am totally working excess hours... I don't need that much to live... and yah... big cut back!
But, yah... I'm so happy because I totally used to come home, check my e-mail and nothing be there... but today I... Read More
I hear you. The girls are quite lovely but I don't look at as many sets as I used to. Now I just log on to see how everyone is doing and what new friends that I can make. I love this place. Hot tatted naked chicks are always cool though
So tired.... *snore* today is totally a full day for me... I go to school from (US central time) 12-5... and work 5-midnight... *sigh* so... i gotsta go do homework now =)
ahh homework. I ignore that on a daily basis. We watched a video on the development of the human brain today. Mostly they dealy with premature infants and their brain development outside of the womb. It was pretty intense. I love that shit. I know that I want to do something in the medical field. I know that. How to get there and what exactly there is I don't know yet. I have always liked the idea of working with babies. Especially premies. hmmm.... We shall see.
I'm awesome?
Wow. Thanks monk. I usually make a really good friend. Usually. I can be pretty bitchy though. But I am a girl.
Jab-Now get to that homework boy!!! I need you for my professional inspiration!!!
What is up yo! Today I totally got ran into a ditch by a crazy soccer mom whose big freakin van totally cut into my lane. I honked, braked for like what seemed like two seconds but was probably less than a second... before I was forced to go off the road to avoid a collision. Then the stupid... soccer mom, she stopped and flicked... Read More
I am not a writer or a singer. I am just obsessed with song lyrics that touch my soul. I have wanted to be a family practitionar, apediatrician, an ER doc, and most recently a surgeon. I have also thought about nusing school or becoming a surgical technologist. Then I thought well if I was going to be a surgical technologist I might as well go for my RN and specialize in surgery. Then I think hell why not just be the surgeon. I like poetry. I love Poe. I just dont get crazy obsessed like some people. I may know that something is cool but I may not always know where it came from. Ya know?
How is life in san anton? I have family in Houston and Dallas/Ft. Worth. Texas is a crazy place. yeah we should yahoo or email or something. Congrats on being 20. I had a kid by your age so enjoy it while you can. Live life to it's fullest. I have class tomorrow too, Psych. And I have to work in the morning. Wait it's already morning. Sometimes I talk alot too.. Sweet dreams cup cake.
I work for Tyson in a waste water plant! Yes i work 3 1/2 dazes a week, it's really great!!!
I haven't painted in years, on canvas anyway, I also paint minitures for WH 40K and do pretty well, won a best in show at a tourney once. But am into the abstract thing for the most part. Maybe i'll post some stuff if it pans out!!!
Word up! I bought the lovely Andrea something off her wishlist in a somewhat desperate attempt to be noticed more than the other 10 million guys that are part of this site. Just hoping to make a friend... it was this really neat looking jacket, and I figured why not get her something she would use a lot (since the cold season just came in).... Read More
You're pre-med? Wow. That must be intense. I entertain medical school all the time. I know I want to do something in the medical field just not sure what either. We should definalte talk.
Happy Birthday by the way!!! Hope it was a good one.
2nd Entry...
Well, I decided to keep a public profile because I am hoping to converse with some of these lovely ladies here on SG. Today is my birthday, whoop whoop! Yuppers... not much to say at 2:42 in the morning... aw man... I lost track of time, my pillow awaits!