TIME MAGAZINE OFFICE -- April 14, 2005. 9:20 am.
Editor: Okay, kids, what have we got for the next issue?
Reasonable Reporter: Well, it IS the tenth anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. We could do a retrospective, you know? How the bombing affecting us, domestic terrorism, that sort of thing...
Editor: Nah, too predictable. What else you guys got?
Cokehead Reporter: (Does a line of coke) Well, through a, uh, connection of mine, I was able to get an exclusive interview with Ann Coulter.
Reasonable Reporter: Ha, ha. That's funny. An interview with Ann Coulter in Time Magazine on the tenth anniversary of Oklahoma City. Good one, Cokehead.
Editor: BRILLIANT! We'll put it on the cover!
Reasonable Reporter: WHAAAAAT!?!?!?
Editor: Think of it, R.R. Viral hatemonger on the cover of perceived-liberal-rag Time. The right will want to read it because we are practically giving one of their heroes a handjob. The left will want to read it to see how far we've fallen! It's so crazy, it just might work!
Reasonable Reporter: Sir, don't you think it's kind of risky to do this? I mean, don't you remember what Coulter said after 9/11?
Cokehead Reporter: (Does a line of coke) What the eff is this guy talking about?
Reasonable Reporter: You know, that the only regret she had about Oklahoma City was that McVeigh didn't go after the New York Times Builiding? Is this ringing any bells?
Editor: Good! Fuck the Times! They're encroaching on our decrees!
Reasonable Reporter: I don't believe this.
Editor: Hey, Cokehead, can I get a line?
Cokehead Reporter: (Does a line of coke) Step up to the plate, boss.
Editor: (Does a line of coke) Ahhhhhh....
Cokehead Reporter: (Does a line of coke) Ahhhhh....
Reasonable Reporter: (Takes a gun out of his coat pocket and blows his own brains out.) Ahhhhhh.......
That's hilarious! She's so fucking nasty.
yes.. silent hill is the best town in the whole world. i have a lot of fun living in it