jordan... let yr repressed former mormon out: Raised Mormon group
From the Department of Eagles mailing list...

Hello all,

Once again, a note from the Department of Eagles mailing list, a
publication with one simple mission: pretend we know how to promote a
record. To that end, the news. Our first and only album is being
released in the UK and Europe at large on this very day. In America,
that record is called "The...
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And now ladies and gentlemen I shall give unto myself my birthday present. From me, to me. A few days belated and maybe a good while behind schedule. But no doubt timely.

I'm through with complainers. With people condemning their own fellow human beings so harshly. With constantly cutting things down all the time. I'm weary of knee-jerk reactions. With dragging everyone in the mire....
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Thanks for commenting on my set!
Saturday, October 1, 2005

I am almost through with Robert Rodriguez's Rebel Without a Crew, so I decided it would be a good idea to keep a journal for the Pete Ashdown documentary. I decided to officially start today since this is the day that my lighter schedule at work begins... Ironically, that's where I am right now. Not sure if I'm really supposed...
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I burned out on Bush-bashing in 2004. But I thought this was really funny. It's a joke you could tell your grandmother.

So Dubya is about to have a press conference, and Cheney is filling him in on the day's events. He quickly tells him about Iraq, the economy, etc. He is just about to bring the press in when suddenly...

Cheney: "Oh, I almost...
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i actually havent played number 3 yet... i am still working on number two, i have been to busy frown... and i have had it for over a year too
I shall be in SLC soon. Shall we have drinks? Oh yes, we shall.
I think you're taking life too seriously. Grab yourself a drink and whack the pinata, cos who knows when the party's gonna end.
It feels great when you successfully stick to your guns. Especially against someone who you used to be a doormat for.
Paid my SG.com bill today. I was thinking of letting it expire for numerous reasons... but then I saw Snow's new set and thought better of it.

In other news: I AM THE MACGYVER OF WRITERS!!!!!!

Gertrude (my typewriter) hadn't been working properly for the past few months. The little bar thingy that started you on the next line when you reached the end of...
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