soo, as usual, I had a most pissy festive season. Christmas eve was an absolute ball-tearer. Christmas days, like most hungover days, sucked! I guess it sucked less than most hungover days cos I'm not generally presened with gifts before I throw up in the morning
New years was cool, went up to Kalbarri and hung out with all the young-uns. I havn't been up there for new years since high school, I now know why, but it was fun nonetheless. Driving home on new years day I was actually starting to become seriously concerned for my liver's seems it is ok though.
On the 2nd of january we pulled all of our pots out of the water for January. The crayfishing season has an enforced closure so it's part-time party month for me! I do have to try and find a bit of an income though as I managed to squander most of my earnings on christmas presents and copious amounts of booze.
I am thinking I might head to perth tomorrow, hang out down there for a week or so and work for one of my buddies. Also I have to play tour guide for a friend of mine that is visiting Australia for the first time from Canada. It should be awsome, I am thinking I will take her to margaret river and then up here to geraldton and show her some of the surrounds. I would be an awesome tour guide.
well, love, hugs n shoulder shrugs to y'all, have a fannytastic 007

New years was cool, went up to Kalbarri and hung out with all the young-uns. I havn't been up there for new years since high school, I now know why, but it was fun nonetheless. Driving home on new years day I was actually starting to become seriously concerned for my liver's seems it is ok though.
On the 2nd of january we pulled all of our pots out of the water for January. The crayfishing season has an enforced closure so it's part-time party month for me! I do have to try and find a bit of an income though as I managed to squander most of my earnings on christmas presents and copious amounts of booze.
I am thinking I might head to perth tomorrow, hang out down there for a week or so and work for one of my buddies. Also I have to play tour guide for a friend of mine that is visiting Australia for the first time from Canada. It should be awsome, I am thinking I will take her to margaret river and then up here to geraldton and show her some of the surrounds. I would be an awesome tour guide.
well, love, hugs n shoulder shrugs to y'all, have a fannytastic 007
glad to hear you had a blast but
I should look you up next time i come to perth.. i would love to go see the Margaret River and all the nice things WA has to offer (which i havent seen!)