go the mighty dockers!!
does anyone else always wake up horny when your hungover? or am i just weird?
I got so drunk last night!
we had our hockey wind-up, strippers, food n beer! so so good!
in a complete scheduling fuck up, now we have our preliminary final this afternoon!
went n saw karnivool friday night, excellence, again. well supported by antistatic.
is there a better show ever thatn sopranos? (thats rhetorical, we all know there is not a better show)
i'm moving home soon! kinda excited, a lil bit
i'm hungry, i think i want pancakes but i can't be sure...don't wanna rush these decisions.
i start pilates tomorrow
y'know that french chick they slayed on triple j all week, camille? I wanna marry her. Pretty sure she'll say yes, i just can't find her in the french yella pages
I have a rise against ticket and i can't go, tis has made my heart separate into 2 pieces
my friends duck, nathan, is getting so big!
did you see american craziness move north into montreal?
i love high 5's
does anyone else always wake up horny when your hungover? or am i just weird?
I got so drunk last night!
we had our hockey wind-up, strippers, food n beer! so so good!
in a complete scheduling fuck up, now we have our preliminary final this afternoon!
went n saw karnivool friday night, excellence, again. well supported by antistatic.
is there a better show ever thatn sopranos? (thats rhetorical, we all know there is not a better show)
i'm moving home soon! kinda excited, a lil bit
i'm hungry, i think i want pancakes but i can't be sure...don't wanna rush these decisions.
i start pilates tomorrow
y'know that french chick they slayed on triple j all week, camille? I wanna marry her. Pretty sure she'll say yes, i just can't find her in the french yella pages
I have a rise against ticket and i can't go, tis has made my heart separate into 2 pieces

my friends duck, nathan, is getting so big!
did you see american craziness move north into montreal?
i love high 5's
Yep. Heaps tough. 

I would buy that ticket but the reason i didnt buy one myself is seeing as im trying to get work on the mines i have no idea if ill still be in town or not by the time the show comes around. Which totally blows.