Being sick sucks! Went to a fun Oscar party sunday night and right before they awarded best picture my stomach started cramping up. I rush home thinking I am going to spend an hour or so in the bathroom and almost 48 hours later I am still not better
Well I am better than I was but now I am on antibiotics for infection and pretty weak. The only bright side is that I have lost 5 lbs in the past 4 days Woohoo my weigh in at weight watchers this friday will be fun!! "Jenn you lost 10 lbs!! how did you do it?" well... I couldn't leve the toilet or eat for 48 hours. Yay fun!
oh and while i am going through this my ex boyfriend Chris decides he loves me and can't live with out me and even though he moved to Colorado and I live here in CA he is going to fight for me. and he expects me to drop my life in So. Cal. which I happen to love and move to Colorado where it snows A LOT if I am going to move anywhere that snows a lot it is going to be near Voxless. He is posting all these pathetic blogs on his myspace page and emailing me every day and even emailing my friends and family that he has met asking them what he needs to do to win me back. WOW I would almost be scared if he still lived in CA. for now just being stalked through myspace ... well I can deal with that.
On a bright note I have a date on thursday with someone new... wish me luck

oh and while i am going through this my ex boyfriend Chris decides he loves me and can't live with out me and even though he moved to Colorado and I live here in CA he is going to fight for me. and he expects me to drop my life in So. Cal. which I happen to love and move to Colorado where it snows A LOT if I am going to move anywhere that snows a lot it is going to be near Voxless. He is posting all these pathetic blogs on his myspace page and emailing me every day and even emailing my friends and family that he has met asking them what he needs to do to win me back. WOW I would almost be scared if he still lived in CA. for now just being stalked through myspace ... well I can deal with that.
On a bright note I have a date on thursday with someone new... wish me luck
I hope you get to feeling better soon, and that your ex realizes he's being unrealistic and obnoxious.
What EX boyfriend is this? he sounds kind of crazy.
we got more snow this year then any other year for a long time, but still not as much as a lot of places.
good luck on the date.