Well I survived the weekend! Had one of those 'good dates gone bad' sunday afternoon. So tip guys... if you wanna ruin a good thing then right after a date call them 3 times in a row and leave really long messages as to how cool they are and hope that you get to see them again and that you are sure they have a bunch of guys chacing them down but you think they are so cool and you can't wait to see them. (yes that is right I said 3 messages) 3 messages that were what seemed like 5 minutes each and the calls were 10 minutes apart. So I tried to let that go and go into the next day I addressed the 'issues' he claimed to have in the messages the night before. but then monday night apparently I was supposed to call him and I didn't so at 10:45pm I get another call from him all paranoid "if this is your way of saying you are not interested just TELL ME that you aren't interested" YOu know the funny thing about it? I WAS interested until he started that crap. and that is exactly what I told him. CRAZY shit!! Nice to know that I am such a 'catch' that I can make a guy go a bit stocker. I have always wanted to be ilke Voxless I always envied the stocker status she could get the guys to be HA HA Anyways... so now it is halloween. I dressed up for work as cat in the hat.
How fucking cute am I
Then after work I came home to a sick kid. so no trick or treating for us. we did get about 6 kids to come to our door though the cutest was a kid dressed like superman. I hope the rest of y'all had a good halloween!! What did you dress up as? Did you do anything cool?
How fucking cute am I
Eli dressed as one of the pit crew from Cars. I'll try and put pictures up tomorrow or something. We went to a party at D's cousins' house and got home around 10:30.
Eli's going to be a tired little guy at school tomorrow.
Does Voxless have lots of stockers?
You look cute.
I didn't dress up, all I did was drive 3 hrs to go see Poison and some of my other SG friends in there performance.