Just got home from a weekend in Arizona of funeral going. It was good to be able to cry with my friends and talk about things and get a little closure but it still really doesn't seem real. the casket was closed because there was no reconstructing him enough to be visable... and so it was hard to believe he was actually in there. I just kept staring at the casket saying to myself... He's not in there! It's not real. But knowing at the same time that he was and it is. Walked up to his dad and hugged him and he just cryed in my arms my heart broke for him! I am happy this weekend is over but I don't think the process of getting past this is totally done though I am much closer than I was last week. I can at lesat think straight. The nice thing about my trip is that I got to see all my Arizona friends and see my neice and my friends new born baby. So there were some pluses to the negative.
I hope you all had good weekends!!!
R.I.P. Clifton!! We Love You!!!
I hope you all had good weekends!!!
R.I.P. Clifton!! We Love You!!!
Not healthy.
How are you doing?