Dog looking for a new home!!! if anyone can help me I would be so thankful!!! She is a beautiful well behaved Boxer Dog. Approx 7 1/2 years old. She is papered. She is potty trained and some obediance training though I must admist she is a little rusty on some stuff she will sit an stay and lay down when told to as well as when you get her excited playing all you have to do is say "ENOUGH!" and she stops and sits down calmly. It is VERY cool! Anyways... we NEED to find her a new home because we don't have a good living condition for her right now. So I am positing this everywhere I can think of. if any of you know ANYONE that is in So. Cal that may want a doggy as beautiful as Daisy please let me know.
Thanks for your help!!!
How can you pass up THIS FACE????

Thanks for your help!!!

How can you pass up THIS FACE????

I'll ask around, though. Hope you find a good home for her!