I made it through the weekend!! YAY! As crazy as it is and as nervous as I was before he came I actually enjoyed the time I spent with my ex husband and ex mother in law. My son was so happy all weekend and my ex was on his best behaivor so we had a great time. Don't get me wrong... I don't want to be back with him and I don't think I made a mistake I just enjoyed the weekend. My grandmother keeps asking me if I think I still love him and thatg i made a mistake for leaving and truthfully I had not seen him in 8 years He is a good looking man but WOW he is a hick! Me the So. Cal girl and the guy from East Ohio with a slight southern accent just really don't mesh well. What the hell was I thinking when I married him? Oh yeah... I remember... I was thinking... damn this guy is fun in bed! and we have a great sex life so that must mean I am in love and will be forever. OOPS! ;-) The only dream I have of us now is that he can respect me enough and I him that neither of us sink to that level of trashing the other one in the presence of our son. And maybe we can even be considered friends some day.
Well now that the weekend is over From all the stress I put myself through ... I am sitting here with a cold. stuffy nose and feeling yuky... But the stress is gone!! YAY!!!
Well now that the weekend is over From all the stress I put myself through ... I am sitting here with a cold. stuffy nose and feeling yuky... But the stress is gone!! YAY!!!

Stress gone...
Get better