What an exciting weekend!!!! Friday I took my son to see Nanny McFee I really liked it. a bit odd but a fun movie all in all. the saturday I went to see one of my best friends 6 yr old daughters in her 1st stage production. SHE DID GREAT!! After that I had a date with someone new. I think it went pretty well and right when dinner was starting I got a call from my bestest friend to tell me that she was in labor and on her way to the hospital!!! I finished up my date, went and picked up my son Mike and headed to the valley to spend the night at the hospital. Well at a hotel next to the hospital. Mike and I checked into the hospital and then went to check up on my friend at the hospital at about midnight. then went back to the hotel in hopes of getting a couple hours of sleep before the baby made her presence in the world. She was born at 6:08 sunday morning. I got a call from her mom at 5:00am telling me to get back to the hospital. Isn't she the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? I think she is! 
