Shit that is lame:

- My job is about to start treating female clients, and many of my coworkers are clearly not ready for a coed program. This will make it a lot harder for the rest of us.
- My knee hurts a lot lately, but the Doc thinks it is nothing serious, so I will hobble through.
- There isn't much overtime available at work, and I could really use some about now.
Shit that is Awesome.
- I wrote a comic book for the swedish metal band Soilwork; they love it and it will be published very soon.
- Lots of fantastic wake-up sex.
- Married life is great. Seriously.
- We have a couple of tables at this years Boston Comic Con. If we get half of the support and love as we did last year, it will be a rousing sucess.
- I have a couple of good ideas that I am working on to submit as a mini-series concept to either Dark Horse or Image comics.
- We are heading up to Toronto for the Canada-East Gala this year, as well as to celebrate our delayed honeymoon. We can't wait to see so many people we've wanted to meet in person for years.
- I've been on SG for 5 years now. Pretty cool how fast the time has flown by.
Times are just good right now, as shown by how much more awesome there is than the lame. I have great expectations for the rest of this year, but right now the goals are for a great showing at the Boston Con and for a wonderful trip to Toronto in June. Anything beyond that is just ice-cream for the big slice of apple pie that is life.
How are things with you?