It's quiet lately. I'm pretty tired from the holidays and the overtime I did the last few weeks, and maybe it's time to plan a late winter vacation. By vacation I mean a nice week of peaceful at home time. After some much needed rest, it'll be crunch-time for planning the wedding.
We're aiming for the first of August, but we are still not sure of exactly what we want to do (other than a pirate themed, casual wedding), or what we can pull off. Then we have a reception in South Dakota to plan, for all her friends and relatives that won't be able to make the trip to Mass.
It's kind of miserable outside lately. I like the snow, don't get me wrong. Some people hate the winter, but for me, I would be lost without my four New England seasons. It's just been too icy and raw lately. I suppose it is good weather to motivate me to stay inside and help with the wedding ideas...
...and play left 4 dead on the 360 of course.
So, what's new for you?

We're aiming for the first of August, but we are still not sure of exactly what we want to do (other than a pirate themed, casual wedding), or what we can pull off. Then we have a reception in South Dakota to plan, for all her friends and relatives that won't be able to make the trip to Mass.
It's kind of miserable outside lately. I like the snow, don't get me wrong. Some people hate the winter, but for me, I would be lost without my four New England seasons. It's just been too icy and raw lately. I suppose it is good weather to motivate me to stay inside and help with the wedding ideas...
...and play left 4 dead on the 360 of course.
So, what's new for you?

i played some left 4 dead recently. pretty intense stuff. i was the only one to survive the first scene or stage or whatever. i was the only one to make it to the chopper. good times.