Lots going on around casa-de-Jerry these last few weeks. Two weeks ago Kindle and Siamkittie stayed at the house and had a merry time getting Hathoriginal very drunk at the local watering holes. Kindle was our roommate at one time, so we already know her and her various perversions. But we were meeting Siamkittie for the first time. It turns out she's just as cool as on the interwebs, and bonus...
It was a good weekend and I look forward to having everyone around again for more home-cooked foodz in the future.
This past weekend was a nice three day weekend for me (extra nice because I normally work 6 nights a week). We attended my cousins wedding, and since I was in the party, I got to get all gussied up.
There was much silliness to be had at the wedding:
In August we get to travel north into the wilds of Maine for another wedding for another cousin. Then another wedding (my best friend) in Syracuse, NY come September, with at least one more wedding somewhere between the two. Everyones gettin' hitched this year it seems.
Aside from the wedding, I made sure to squeeze in lots of time for eating good food, loafing and reading this weekend
So it was a damn fine weekend all around. I'll have to have another just like it soon.
How goes it for the lot of you?