It's been a decent week. I got to visit an old friend a few times before she goes back to being a navy wife in Virginia. It's always nice when my old friends take an immediate liking to HathOriginal as well. Lets me know that my taste in people is still pretty awesome.
We've been having some problems with the intarnet lately. We can't seem to log on until around 6 at night, every night for 3 days now. Kinda weird, but kind of good at limiting how much of my life I waste online and not in the sun. So if I'm not around as much lately, that may be a good reason for it.
How is everybody doing? How is the summer treating you (winter for my aussie and S. American friends)? Got anything funny to say?
We've been having some problems with the intarnet lately. We can't seem to log on until around 6 at night, every night for 3 days now. Kinda weird, but kind of good at limiting how much of my life I waste online and not in the sun. So if I'm not around as much lately, that may be a good reason for it.
How is everybody doing? How is the summer treating you (winter for my aussie and S. American friends)? Got anything funny to say?
Not broken at all, and returned to the Navy on time.
Yay!!! I can't wait for it to open. I have nothing funny to say yet-- I need coffee first