I did not take this picture , honestly have no idea who did . Old as shit picture of BLACK FLAG playing somewhere in jersey ..notice DOYLE of the misfits in front row as a FAN ..and GLENN DANZIG peering over the speakers in the right corner watching HENRY ROLLINS go nuts . I absolutely fuckin love this pic , its says so much .

miss u
uuummmm my phone is shut off due to me being broke as hell so i guess to contact me you will have to im me or hit me up on here xoxoxo
jersey! I love her. You are lucky to know this woman. hug her if you see her before I do!
i like the pic of the sheep. missin u get your butt out here already brat
Went to the mayhem festival friday in lovely downtown camden , with my best friend jersey. Had to walk 10 blocks because somebody left tickets in the car...doh. I had 8-10 PBR's and a flask of rum in my bag ..but couldnt bring it in ...soo it was $10 plastic cup of coors light ...YUK..and dixie cup $13 rum and cokes for me (YOU FUCKIN...
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then come to cali already
i miss u too. get off your butt n get on a plane n come visit me brat. i will be home for xmas tho
missin your ass... i just emailed you something fun. now please send me my hello kitty watch that i left in your pocket when we were running down the boardwalk in SLEEZE SIDE IN THE RAIN. i should have just let the watch get wet. gggrrrrr. really missin my wtch n my drinkin buddy.