Winston runs once again! That's my motorcycle. It came with that name, so don't ask me what it means. It's a Suzuki Savage, and the previous owner was convinced that Winston Savage sounded cool, in that Hunter S. Thompson sort of way.
However, Winston is quite old (1986) and the damn auto-decompression keeps getting thrown off for no reason, providing for an hour of bike-fixing...
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However, Winston is quite old (1986) and the damn auto-decompression keeps getting thrown off for no reason, providing for an hour of bike-fixing...
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Here's a pic:

PAGE 50!
Ok, so it needs a lot of editing, but at least that is-it-ever-gonna-reach-the-required-length-and-whom-do-I-shoot-first-if-it-doesn't feeling is gone. But I wouldn't call it a thesis just yet, and it looks like a looooong weekend for me, and by that, of course, I mean lots of laboring over a stupid, stupid piece of paper, while my friends are getting trashed.
On the upside, I managed to...
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Ok, so it needs a lot of editing, but at least that is-it-ever-gonna-reach-the-required-length-and-whom-do-I-shoot-first-if-it-doesn't feeling is gone. But I wouldn't call it a thesis just yet, and it looks like a looooong weekend for me, and by that, of course, I mean lots of laboring over a stupid, stupid piece of paper, while my friends are getting trashed.
On the upside, I managed to...
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Hmm... if it's good fun, I don't usually care where I'm having it.
as an artist i attempt to abide by copyright laws, when i can afford to.....
(read: my respect for the copyright on a $10 CD is somewhat stronger than my respect for said copyright on a $1000 piece of software......)
[Edited on Jul 03, 2004 9:42AM]
(read: my respect for the copyright on a $10 CD is somewhat stronger than my respect for said copyright on a $1000 piece of software......)
[Edited on Jul 03, 2004 9:42AM]
No, really, I'm still here. All the work's done, and I'm now writing the actual thesis. It feels pointless, which makes it barely motivational. But it's gonna get done, and then I'm taking a month off and driving around, far away from here.
Awww, aren't you sweet...
Damn. Long bloody time. I have been laboring over this thesis. My blog has been staying up to date, barely, but I can't bring myself to pour my thoughts in two places at once. Stay faithful. I'll be back soon. Also, I'll be moving to Virginia soon, I think. Know anyone cool there? Or anyone hot?
BTW, if you really wanna keep in touch, you...
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BTW, if you really wanna keep in touch, you...
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Happy Birthday!

Sometimes I think I have my shit together, and a pretty good idea of what's going on, and where it's going, and, far from perfect, life is actually OK, and makes me happy. And then a bunch of things happen in fast succession that leave me all disoriented and questioning those other basic assumptions. It's like I'm trying to cross a 4-lane highway at rush...
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hey stranger
want to touch the hiney!
You know what I really like? Diners. Greasy-spoon, family owned joints, where the waitresses smile at you, and call you "hon" and the owner/cook randomly hollers his way into conversations all the way from the kitchen. Reminds me of my childhood.
Today was the first really nice, warm, sunny day I've seen in Boston since about last fall. I was driving around at dusk, surrounded by light which was warm and peach colored, and left me with a longing for those evenings in early summer, when you can feel the city breath off a day's rich heat, and ease into a slow, eventful night.
your cute it was very nice to meet you.
It's hard to maintain an entire website, and a blog, and an SG journal. So, go to
The SG burlesque happened tonight at the Middle East. Bloom opened with a few strong solid sets.
Violet was here. She's a sweetheart. She just got a couple of nice tats today at this studio just down the street from my place, and they look sweet. It's so easy to love Violet. And she's HOTTTTT!
Also, Tegan was here. That girl's got a body to die for, and a wicked smile. I'm talking spontaneous combustion.
Brandy and Snow were also getting it on -- charming and beautiful ladies. Snow definitely knows how to work a crowd, and Brandy's got the hottest rack on that side of my browser.
Thanks, ladies.
Violet was here. She's a sweetheart. She just got a couple of nice tats today at this studio just down the street from my place, and they look sweet. It's so easy to love Violet. And she's HOTTTTT!
Also, Tegan was here. That girl's got a body to die for, and a wicked smile. I'm talking spontaneous combustion.
Brandy and Snow were also getting it on -- charming and beautiful ladies. Snow definitely knows how to work a crowd, and Brandy's got the hottest rack on that side of my browser.
Thanks, ladies.

I thought about that movie when I was trying to decide whether or not to take those damn pills. The show in SD was 21+ so I couldn't go

Man, it's been a long time... I've changed coasts. In retrospect, a long cross-country drive is just what I needed. Living in a tent on bagels and tea for a few weeks will clear anyone's mind. Well, mine, anyway. Thanks to everyone who stopped by on my birthday.
Man, it's been a long time... I've changed coasts. In retrospect, a long cross-country drive is just what I needed. Living in a tent on bagels and tea for a few weeks will clear anyone's mind. Well, mine, anyway. Thanks to everyone who stopped by on my birthday.
bagels and tea! sounds great to me. so does san fransisco.
today is a good day
happy birthday is good to be born on this day..i see a helmet whaddda you ride?......woo-hoo!
Happy birthday! I hope it's a good day too!