I have to say I've never seen so many UNcostumed trick or treaters. When I was a kid EVERYONE on the street was in costume. I mean - isn't that the equation? Costume=Treat. No costume=Trick. Where's the honor? The upholding of tradition? It's a slap in the face to Halloween. I'll forgive the Halloween USA costume. I'll forgive the rolling suitcase for a candy bag. I'll even let the little shits collecting candy whilest on a cell phone go. But not these plain-clothes t-or-t'ers.
Next year I'm going to have two bowls of candy. One with the good stuff, and one with the f'n dregs- like circus peanuts - for all these free-loaders who don't give two fucks for Bela.
Next year I'm going to have two bowls of candy. One with the good stuff, and one with the f'n dregs- like circus peanuts - for all these free-loaders who don't give two fucks for Bela.
The weekend before last I took what will probably be my last long ride of the season. My bike isn't officially winterized yet, but I have to dismantle quite a bit of it soon for maintenance. Even with the terrible wind fatigue it was probably my favorite ride of the year. More than once I caught myself paying more attention to the scenery than the road....