Back to my former employer for a contract day of gum scraping. I am reminded now why I left. It's BOR-RING. Holy majoly. Designing direct mail is just the pits. I was there until 9:30 tonight dealing with their silliness. At least its moo-lah in the banku.

I did get invited to their holiday party (which is at the Ritz) so that COULD be nice,...
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We'll try this again. I'd love to make some friends on here, show some appreciation for what these amazing women are expressing and experimenting with, and just generally have a nice time.

The last time I tried to make a friend on here I was treated like a crazy-person. And that may be, but I'm nice cRaZy. Not creepy crazy. Plus I'm taken so it's...
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Every incredible microscopic joy is owning me.
Tine tine tine. Ting. And so it goes.
What did you say? What to me?
It's a rampage alright
Unto into hitherto the moment
Thankful for the respite of three tonight.

Count 1-10. All there. All grand.
Can't sit. Can't stand.
I think I will need to further investigate the practice of solitude.
Haven't updated in a while. Things are ok, though I felt kind of sad today. Nothing in particular. Imagined myself in the air flying high above my car on the freeway - but listening to the same music somehow. That was a good daydream.
Lots of good stuff the last X hours. Had the show at the gallery and it sold pretty well. Cali artists usually do cos they are good. Had drinks with Bask again and ALSO with an old co-worker who has mastered the fine art of self-deprecation. He had then, and he can now. BORing. Today we were out on the lake pressing our lungs into...
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YAHHHH! Drank a bit with Bask tonight. We covered it all. CPOP. Detroit. The ladies. Smidgeon. Saw my old flame Amy. She's still not interested. But oh my is she on the top. Wah-wah.

I wonder if I'll ever have any friends on here. I suppose I could just go ask random folks but somehow I want them to be more than just strangers.

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Hung the new show tonight. 6 artistes from Kahliforneeya. http://www.pr1maryspace.com/

Talkd to the X today and was aghast by her tale of spontaneity. That's not like hER. I suppose the attractions - few and far between as they are years down the road from the end - are amplified by their infrequent occurrence. Was sad for 5.

Still kinda thinking of S today. Not sure...
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Free State.

I'd like to see a "Garden State" style movie, about a misfit, in-a-fog, young Republican, called back to D.C. to help the outgoing W administration move out of the White House, where, incidentally, he meets a Bush twin and they fall for each other and spend his few days in the capital going on weird excursions and to parties and fixing her hamster's...
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My neighbor lost her yarbles last night. She'd been on the steady decline for the last few days, last night was the capper. Sitting on her porch, at 3am, having recently hosed it and herself down, throwing clothing in the street and shouting (and singing) obscenities and explitives at cars, passers by, the air.

They took her away this morning. Mental illness looks to be...
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