Love is your girlfriend greeting you at the door in Agent Provocateur. That is all.
I've come to realize an odd fixation for thumbs. Seeing person's thumb is like opening a gift, particularly if you find yourself attracted to some part of their person or character.

Thumbs. Yep.
Hmm. I don't FEEL like the oldest member of SG. But maybe I am. It doesn't matter. 36 today. That's weird. I never thought I'd be 36. Or I never imagined it anyway. It's crazy.
There's a shield around us
we are heady we are groundless
& we burn our friends & kill their names
build insecure & petty fames
& tattoo things that we believe
stars & skulls & hearts in half-sleeves.

- CftPA
I'm awfully gripey this week but....

It's a fuckin' sad thing when you go to fill up your car and gas is so expensive that the weirdo $50 limit on pay-at-the-pump purchases kicks in (ghetto gas stations do that I guess) and $50 isn't enough to fill'er up.
I have to say I've never seen so many UNcostumed trick or treaters. When I was a kid EVERYONE on the street was in costume. I mean - isn't that the equation? Costume=Treat. No costume=Trick. Where's the honor? The upholding of tradition? It's a slap in the face to Halloween. I'll forgive the Halloween USA costume. I'll forgive the rolling suitcase for a candy bag....
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That's an excellent Maherism. I like how he references the Alec Baldwin monologue in 'Glengarry Glen Ross' with the 'candy is for closers' line. Nice.
Real Time is one of the few shows I make time to catch anymore. Although I have to go the audio route since I don't have HBO....Hopefully the writer's strike won't have an effect on his show.

The weekend before last I took what will probably be my last long ride of the season. My bike isn't officially winterized yet, but I have to dismantle quite a bit of it soon for maintenance. Even with the terrible wind fatigue it was probably my favorite ride of the year. More than once I caught myself paying more attention to the scenery than the road.... eeek
I did my best, today, to explain SG to someone not in the know. When I got done explaining there was that interesting and oddly humorous moment where I couldn't tell if they (this person was my close friend's wife) thought it was interesting or that I was a total freak. I am currently enjoying not knowing which way her opinion fell.
I wonder if I am the only person who craves seeing SGs (like Evette for example) clothed in their own, everyday clothes. If there is one thing our sex culture has lost sight of it's the arousing aspects of mystery, anticipation, and so forth. I'd love to see alternate image sets of SGs wearing whatever it is they wear to the store or to parties...
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Hey Bro. Welcome to Sg Detroit. I used to live in Ferndale.