Wish me luck kiddies ^.^ tomorrow I'll be a few ounces lighter lol (my surgery)
what they actually do is take what's the equivalent of an ice cream scoop of infected tissue and muscle out if not more depending on how much they find....ewww. lol I wish SoPhast could go in and take pics of the surgery in progress Then I'd have some real doozies to post in my pics section. I feel a bit bad for the aborted section of me. Like lets say your just some tissue and mussel hanging out doing your muscle thing and then all of the sudden you get sick so what does the rest of the body do to help they scoop you on out....I'm sorry tissue glob
. lol should I even ask if they'll let me keep it. I mean it is mine gosh darn it...damn tissue thieves. Well maybe I'll have a funeral for my lost bits in my dream world while I'm under. So yeah umm wish me luck ^.^
I also put a few new things in My shop
just a few examples ^.^ www.bell.etsy.com
what else is going on let see I'm still loosing weight yay and will probably (hopefully) loose a bit while im down for the count. And I'm still a non smoker although i will have the occasional clove cigg (nic free) at the bar. Oh I got an order for a custom large Barbie head which I can look forward to working on when I recover ^.^. Oh there's some nut job weirdo trying to get kids in trouble at the Leelanau school for his own benefit :rolls eyes:. I hate people like that. Anyway's its been a good few days I'm off to drink a beer and relax and figure out how i can smuggle my me bits out of the hospital

what they actually do is take what's the equivalent of an ice cream scoop of infected tissue and muscle out if not more depending on how much they find....ewww. lol I wish SoPhast could go in and take pics of the surgery in progress Then I'd have some real doozies to post in my pics section. I feel a bit bad for the aborted section of me. Like lets say your just some tissue and mussel hanging out doing your muscle thing and then all of the sudden you get sick so what does the rest of the body do to help they scoop you on out....I'm sorry tissue glob

I also put a few new things in My shop

just a few examples ^.^ www.bell.etsy.com
what else is going on let see I'm still loosing weight yay and will probably (hopefully) loose a bit while im down for the count. And I'm still a non smoker although i will have the occasional clove cigg (nic free) at the bar. Oh I got an order for a custom large Barbie head which I can look forward to working on when I recover ^.^. Oh there's some nut job weirdo trying to get kids in trouble at the Leelanau school for his own benefit :rolls eyes:. I hate people like that. Anyway's its been a good few days I'm off to drink a beer and relax and figure out how i can smuggle my me bits out of the hospital

healing vibes~