Hola. It is good to be back in ol' D Town. Cancun was fun for about 3 days. Being from a city that is named "mile high" makes drinking at sea level a whole other sport. Normally it would take about 3-4 drinks in a short amount of time to feel pretty good. In mexico it took an enromous amount of beverages to attain this same goal. After a while I just gave up and opted just to kick it on the beach. Beside the gorgeous ocean, I personally wouldn't recommend Cancun unless of course you are on your highschool senior trip and mommy and daddy are paying. If you are looking for authentic mexico, Cancun is more like a fiesta version of the Las Vegas club scene. If I ever decide to venture south of the border, Mexico City would be my destination of choice.

Did you get down to playa del carmen , or did you stay in the "mexican vegas" the whole time?

Hola, SG CO