wow, have i really not updated in this long? how crappy.
i'm revoking my own driving privelages. i don't deserve to drive anymore.
this morning a bird flew into my windshield. it died instantly, and like a fool, i convinced myself that it was a parent bird with a little white picket twig fence around its cozy little nest and it had three adorable little eggs or even baby birds and now those poor little creatures will have to grow up in a single bird family. it was tragic. i cried and cried, violently, with burning tears that wouldn't let me drive. so i decided to pull over until i could get it together...and i hit a squirrel.
i'm a menace to animal society. today is a sad day
i'm revoking my own driving privelages. i don't deserve to drive anymore.
this morning a bird flew into my windshield. it died instantly, and like a fool, i convinced myself that it was a parent bird with a little white picket twig fence around its cozy little nest and it had three adorable little eggs or even baby birds and now those poor little creatures will have to grow up in a single bird family. it was tragic. i cried and cried, violently, with burning tears that wouldn't let me drive. so i decided to pull over until i could get it together...and i hit a squirrel.
i'm a menace to animal society. today is a sad day

so things got better?

gah. i hate seeing dead animals.