so the lego city idea was a bust
but i stepped on a spider and lots of beer cans
who the hell drinks beer from a can anyway
it tastes like ass coming out of the bottle, why mix in the taste of aluminium too
and yes aluminium has a taste
even worse than beer
except for coronas
but that's not really beer since i actually drink it
got into a fight with brando
stupid punk kid needs to get his ass kicked
almost got to break in my boots over his head
the night is still young
see i really have no idea what i'm talking about
but i've got way too many comments to keep track of
sooooooo another lameass update
i need new clothes
i'm down to basically nothing, and not in the sexy way
i gotta find money
so the lego city idea was a bust
but i stepped on a spider and lots of beer cans
who the hell drinks beer from a can anyway
it tastes like ass coming out of the bottle, why mix in the taste of aluminium too
and yes aluminium has a taste
even worse than beer
except for coronas
but that's not really beer since i actually drink it
got into a fight with brando
stupid punk kid needs to get his ass kicked
almost got to break in my boots over his head
the night is still young
see i really have no idea what i'm talking about
but i've got way too many comments to keep track of
sooooooo another lameass update
i need new clothes
i'm down to basically nothing, and not in the sexy way
i gotta find money

Anywho, sounds like you had a fun time breaking in the new boots.
I also dislike beer though I find Newcastle quite good.
Aluminum does have a taste this I know all to well since I used to psudeo-eat them.
I wish I had some new clothes as well.