i am hung
it was great
slept that bitch off. sooooooo much happier.
last night i learned that i really like strawberry vodka
so brando and i got beyond trashed, then we walked to 7-11 to see devildoll AND because we're cool
keep in mind i'd killed about 26oz of vodka inside 3 hours
i was totally wrecked
but when we got there it turned out i wasn't the drunkest person there, because this guy had decided that after he puked his guts up in the bathroom, he really needed to get NAKED
yeah, we had a naked guy
so devildoll called the cops and like 6 of them showed up, of course they didn't need six armed policemen, they were just there because drunk naked guys are fucking hilarious
2 cruisers, 6 hand cannons, and the cop shop is less than half a block away
and they had no idea i was drunk
morbidkitty threw up on my floor after half a mickey of bacardi and a decently sized bowl
that was gross but i've got a 3 year old, i've cleaned up way nastier shit
literally speaking
the romanian fell asleep on my couch, and it was in his unguarded state that i discovered my love of his strawberry vodka
he was kind of pissed but i paid for his cab and he said it was just another awesome bday present from him
i miss the ukranian, with all this rape bullshit going on he's not even allowed to drink
what a crock of shit
so i only get half of the sputnik brothers now
but it'll all blow over
i haven't eaten for 48 hours, i should probably do something about that
there's white (face) powder everywhere, it looks like i'm a cokehead
it was great
slept that bitch off. sooooooo much happier.
last night i learned that i really like strawberry vodka
so brando and i got beyond trashed, then we walked to 7-11 to see devildoll AND because we're cool
keep in mind i'd killed about 26oz of vodka inside 3 hours
i was totally wrecked
but when we got there it turned out i wasn't the drunkest person there, because this guy had decided that after he puked his guts up in the bathroom, he really needed to get NAKED
yeah, we had a naked guy
so devildoll called the cops and like 6 of them showed up, of course they didn't need six armed policemen, they were just there because drunk naked guys are fucking hilarious
2 cruisers, 6 hand cannons, and the cop shop is less than half a block away
and they had no idea i was drunk
morbidkitty threw up on my floor after half a mickey of bacardi and a decently sized bowl
that was gross but i've got a 3 year old, i've cleaned up way nastier shit
literally speaking
the romanian fell asleep on my couch, and it was in his unguarded state that i discovered my love of his strawberry vodka
he was kind of pissed but i paid for his cab and he said it was just another awesome bday present from him
i miss the ukranian, with all this rape bullshit going on he's not even allowed to drink
what a crock of shit
so i only get half of the sputnik brothers now
but it'll all blow over
i haven't eaten for 48 hours, i should probably do something about that
there's white (face) powder everywhere, it looks like i'm a cokehead
I just do the best with what I can.